Join us for the 2025 MYP Awards as we honor young professionals in Manatee County who demonstrate initiative and excellence in their careers, contribute time and energy in serving the community, and seek to support other young professionals through leadership and advocacy. We will also honor employers in the greater Manatee County area that implement creative, intentional initiatives to attract and retain young talent to our region.
5:00-6:00 PM | Cocktail Reception sponsored by the Pittsburgh Pirates/Bradenton Marauders All attendees will receive 1 complimentary drink ticket during the cocktail hour.
6:00-8:00 PM | Dinner & Awards Program
Table/Seat Reservations Table of 8 = $750
Includes reserved, preferred placement for 8 with name recognition on table, as well as recognition in the event program. Partial Table of 4 = $450
Includes reserved, preferred placement for 4 with name recognition on table, as well as recognition in the event program. Individual Ticket | MYP Member = $75
Parties greater than two not guaranteed to be seated together. Individual Ticket | Non-MYP Member = $95
Parties greater than two not guaranteed to be seated together.
**Please note on your reservation, in the comments section, if you have any dietary restrictions and we'll do our best to accommodate you.** Reservations must be canceled by March 26 in order to receive a refund. After that date, all reservations are guaranteed and will be invoiced.
Sponsorship Opportunities Presenting Sponsor = $3,500 Opportunity to present Young Professional of the Year Award | Preferred seating for 8 | Sponsor Recognition | Full-page, full color ad in Event Program | Sponsor name badges at event Award Sponsor = $1,750 Opportunity to present one of the four MYP Awards | Preferred seating for 4 | Sponsor Recognition | Quarter-page, full color ad in Event Program | Sponsor name badges at event Dessert Sponsor = $1,500 Logo on each dessert | Preferred seating for 4 | Sponsor Recognition | Quarter-page, full color ad in Event Program | Sponsor name badges at event Centerpiece Sponsor = $1,200 Logo placement on Centerpieces | Preferred seating for 2 | Sponsor Recognition | Quarter-page, full color ad in Event Program | Sponsor name badges at event Program Sponsor = $1,200 Prominent logo placement on Program | Preferred seating for 2 | Sponsor Recognition | Half-page, full color ad in Event Program | Sponsor name badges at event Leadership Sponsor: $750 Preferred seating for 2 | Sponsor Recognition | Sponsor name badges at event
Program Ad Opportunity: This is a great opportunity to promote your business, and congratulate our honorees, by placing an ad in the event program. Full Page, Full Color: $250
Half Page, Full Color: $150
Quarter Page, Full Color: $100